Terry Richardson released photos on his personal blog that he took of Gaga during the kick-off of her ‘Born This Way Ball’ show in Seoul. Terry Richardson was with Lady Gaga since the first day of the Born This Way Ball tour in Seoul, South Korea. He took photos of little monsters outside while they were waiting, but he also took some photos during the concert, backstage with Lady Gaga herself and also while she was rehearsing.
Terry Richardson Releases ‘Born This Way Ball’ Photos
Terry Richardson released photos on his personal blog that he took of Gaga during the kick-off of her ‘Born This Way Ball’ show in Seoul. Terry Richardson was with Lady Gaga since the first day of the Born This Way Ball tour in Seoul, South Korea. He took photos of little monsters outside while they were waiting, but he also took some photos during the concert, backstage with Lady Gaga herself and also while she was rehearsing.
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